David even digged a little channel to direct the water!
Laudromats are a big expense when you live on the road with 3 active kids. We spend between $18 to $24/week on laundry, so I am trying to find alternative ways to wash our clothes.
This was a pretty fun one that we all enjoyed immensely! It was pretty physical too! I had to go down to the lake at least 15 times to bring up water and we had to roll the barrel (the kids made up games for this one (barrel relay race!), stump on the clothes with our feet while they are in the barrel, empty the barrel 4-5 times to rinse the clothes properly and then wring everything and hang it. Oh, and then, half the clothes weren't dry by nightfall, so I had to bring them in to re-hang them the next day...
Was it worth $20? Not sure, but it was pretty amazing to see our kids all work together at this. Cooperation at its best. Let's see if they think it's as fun next week...