A new passenger

Meet Java. He is part of a litter of puppies that were rescued when they were 3 weeks old in Pelly Crossing (with their mom) by the Yukon Humane Society. The mom had given birth under the shed of a man who planned to get rid of them in a pretty drastic way (think river drowning). He is a mix of Brindle, Bear dog, Husky, Lab and probably many other breeds...

JF and the girls had been wanting a dog for a few years already. As much as I love dogs, it was not part of my plans to share our 150 square feet of living space with anybody else... especially not the shedding kind... but I could see how much my desire to not have a dog was coming against their desire to really have a dog. So I took a deep breath and trusted that it would all be fine.

So that's how we added a new passenger to our crew. And his shelter name - Java - was a perfect fit for the Red Bus café... oh and his little sister was called Mara... What's not to like?