Merry celebrations!
Awesome wine and good cheese and salads.
Antonio made his mom's famous Portughese cod dish (Bachalau a Zé do Pipo). It is soooo good!!
He also made delicious grilled Portughese chicken (Doval style, for those who ever had the chance to try it at that awesome Montreal restaurant).
Homemade gifts exchanges. The boys made our girls some very sweet presents.
Aisha drew a Ninja turtle for Raphael.
Carrot-appel juice making for our Christmas morning breakfast.
Delicious belgian waffles.
The girls really wanted to make gingerbread cookies.
Cutest bike bells ever!
A neighbor's house. I just love the style of houses around here.
A little afternoon hike in Catalina with Karl, Jen and the kids.
Hiking in a vintage pink velvet dress? Why not.
Sweetwater trailhead. Awesome bike trails among the saguaros.
As some of you might remember, it is our third Christmas in Tucson with our friends Antonio and Pascale. The first time, in 2012, we were here at the same time as Antonio's parents and were treated to a traditional Portughese feast. This year, we had the pleasure of spending Christmas Eve with some of Antonio's and Pascale's friends who are also University professors like Pascale. The next morning, we tried Mathilde's belgian waffle maker (with Quebec maple products my mom had sent) and made a green juice and a carrot-apple juice. It was great to be able to be with my family as they were all celebrating together at my mom's with my grandma (with my dad and his wife: yes, my family is that cool!).
In the afternoon, we met with Jennifer, Karl and the kids at Catalina State Park and went for a short hike, then shared a delicious meal together. This morning, Antonio brought us to one of his favorite bike trails in Tucson (Sweetwater trailhead) and we had a blast. It was a real feel good ride!
That is my kind of Christmas. Lots of simple and beautiful handmade gifts, a few practical gifts (a crashpad! belay glasses! art supplies and flip flops!), good healthy food and lots of outdoor time.
I hope your celebrations were fun and simple too!